Tuesday, 19 June 2012

Power Of Collaboration

When two companies or powers come together and work with eachother, incredible things and profits can be made. The connection of the two powers doubles and so should the consumers. The bridge connection and colours of red for Coca Cola and blue for Facebook make purple, which potrays the connection and "Sweet spot" of the two buildings through Power.

 Power Through Convincing

Being able to convince or sell something to the public is an incredible power and alot of companies rely on convicing that their brand or what it is that their selling, is the best and no other company can come close to their product. The picture here shows how looking convincing through a futuristic and unique structure can help look convincing.

Impression Is Powerful

The attribute of having a good impression and presence can go a very long way in business and everyday life, if everyone likes you and likes being around you it will make you very popular and you will have many friends. Same goes for buisnss if you are very popular and have a good impression on the consumer you will become popular and it will start trending and people will mention your buisness. The picture demonstrates how a good impression through the structres facade and placement of buildings can create a powerful impression.

Energetic Value

Being energetic and charismatic can have very powerful attributes to your character. If you potray these two attributes you will be very popular, some of the most popular people have these attributes such as Martin Luther King Jr, Tupac Shakur, John F kennedy, Adolf Hitler. These characters all potrayed energetic and charismatic personas and through the use of their powerful energetic personas, they have influenced many others. It could be said the same for buisness if you have charismatic and energetic value in ur product it will increase chances of selling it to the public. In this picture the energy is show through the colours and textures of the building and make it look Alive and charismatic.

On Top Of Everything

There is no better feeling then being on top of everything. When your product sells and is popular being on billboards, commercials and promotion you know you have made it. Penetrating through rivals making money and taking over over their consumers is many buisnesses goals. Being on top is a powerful tool because the most powerful run the shots and say how everything is going to be. In this picture it shows how the bridge is very long and tall and literally on top of the mountains, being able to see beyond the horizon and groundfloor mountain barriers.

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